Thursday, 4 May 2017

SILENCE( Translated into French )

 SILENCE( Translated into French )
Dear friends
This is the ninth  poem of mine  which has been translated into French by none other than Honourable Athanase Vantchev de Thracy, World President of Poetas del Mundo , undoubtedly one of the greatest poets of contemporary French.
Silence is golden
hush being the buzzword
noise gets frozen.

Silence is deafening
martyr’s pyre , waiting to lit
last post sounding; goodbye

Silence is absolute
cat out of the bag
a minister’s heart sag.

Silence is corrupt
abetted by the hammer
justice denied to an innocent.

Silence is routine
scams after scams
yet none looses sheen.

Silence is love
lips move not
yet they talk.

Silence is pain
at a candle march
for an act insane.

Le silence

Le silence est d'or,
Le terme chut, mot à la mode,
Oblige le bruit à se figer.

Le silence est assourdissant,
Quand il devient le bûcher du martyr, dans l’attente de publier
Son dernier message sonore, son  au revoir…

Le silence est absolu,
C’est un chat qui sort du sac
Du cœur désolé d’un ministre.

Le silence est corruption
Quand il encourage le marteau
D’un juge à dénier les droits d’un innocent.

Le silence est une routine,
Une suite d’arnaques
Où personne ne perd son renom.

Le silence est amour
Où les lèvres ne bougent pas
Mais cependant elles parlent.

Le silence est douleur
Qui s’exprime par une marche aux flambeaux
Suite à un acte dément.

Tribhawan Kaul

 Translated into French by Athanase Vantchev de Thracy

Born on January 3, 1940, in Haskovo, Bulgaria, the extraordinary polyglot culture studied for seventeen years in some of the most popular universities in Europe, where he gained deep knowledge of world literature and poetry.
Athanase Vantchev de Thracy is the author of 32 collections of poetry (written in classic range and free), where he uses the whole spectrum of prosody: epic, chamber, sonnet, bukoliket, idyll, pastoral, ballads, elegies, rondon, satire, agement, epigramin, etc. epitaph. He has also published a number of monographs and doctoral thesis, The symbolism of light in the poetry of Paul Verlaine's. In Bulgarian, he wrote a study of epicurean Petroni writer, surnamed elegantiaru Petronius Arbiter, the favorite of Emperor Nero, author of the classic novel Satirikoni, and a study in Russian titled Poetics and metaphysics in the work of Dostoyevsky.

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