Monday, 24 September 2018

My poem " You! Brave ones of Africa"

#13. You! Brave Ones of Africa
Monstrous are the shadows of emotions
Creeping behind a spiral of poverty and exclusions
Death lurking every where
Rogue elements out, to dare.
Alas ! The world still searching its conscience?
Cynicism is passé as love is to fight not
Life is not charity but the ‘right’ globally thought
Hunger, unemployment, deprivation
Pointers to a rising revolution.
Dreamers ! Realise empowerment in abundance ?
Hate, crime, prejudices, slavery in various platters
Menu thrown by the lords and the masters
Yet rainbow nations wriggle out of the mess
Meals of democracy getting relished with varied crisis.
Hey My Lord ! Miles yet to go for indulgence.
Gandhi, Mendela, Tutu and King
Ushering dances to dance and songs to sing
They have overcome. They have overcome.
Enjoying the life on the beats of bongo drum.
Agonising! Yet the freedom lacks substance?
Agonising! Yet the freedom lacks substance?

©Tribhawan Kaul, India

My poem " You! Brave ones of Africa" has found a place in an international anthology brought out by Diff Truths. Please check sl. no. 13. Your comments are solicited.


  1. Wendy Abby Lazo
    September 26 at 10:38 AM
    Nice one mdfTribhawan.
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  2. Wendi Filha
    October 11 at 3:02 AM
    congratulations sir beautiful Peice of art love it
    -------------------------via fb/TL
