Dear friends
This is the 15th poem of mine which has been
translated into French by none other than Honourable Athanase Vantchev de
Thracy, World President of Poetas del Mundo , undoubtedly one of the greatest
poets of contemporary French.
Silvery rays from the sky
will have no meaning now
never same will be the dawn.
Waves shirk to embrace beach
day sobs, night weeps
breeze no longer rustles the leaves.
Flowers robbed of their magic
fragrance no more validating their love
cuckoo loses her voice and
wait becomes redundant for dusky eyes.
Heart is drained of emotions
mind in the process of evaluation
body limited to the motions,
as some one dearest
to the heart, mind and soul
loved, then left
never to return.
All rights reserved/Tribhawan Kaul
Les rayons argentés tombant du ciel
N’auront maintenant aucun sens.
L’aube ne sera plus jamais la même.
Les vagues se refusent à embrasser la
Le jour sanglote, la nuit pleure,
La brise ne fait plus bruire les
Les fleurs sont dépouillées de leur
parfum magique
Qui n’enchante plus leur amour.
Le coucou perd sa voix et
L’attente devient superflue pour les
yeux assombris.
Le cœur est asséché de ses émotions,
L'esprit se remet en question,
Le corps est réduit à des mouvements
Quand la personne la plus chère
Au cœur, à l'esprit et à l'âme
D’abord aimée, est partie
Pour ne revenir jamais.
Traduit en français par Athanase
Vantchev de Thracy
Translated into French by Athanase
Vantchev de Thracy
on January 3, 1940, in Haskovo, Bulgaria, the extraordinary polyglot culture
studied for seventeen years in some of the most popular universities in Europe,
where he gained deep knowledge of world literature and poetry.
Vantchev de Thracy is the author of 32 collections of poetry (written in
classic range and free), where he uses the whole spectrum of prosody: epic,
chamber, sonnet, bukoliket, idyll, pastoral, ballads, elegies, rondon, satire,
agement, epigramin, etc. epitaph. He has also published a number of monographs
and doctoral thesis, The symbolism of light in the poetry of Paul Verlaine's.
In Bulgarian, he wrote a study of epicurean Petroni writer, surnamed
elegantiaru Petronius Arbiter, the favorite of Emperor Nero, author of the
classic novel Satirikoni, and a study in Russian titled Poetics and metaphysics
in the work of Dostoyevsky.
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