Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Life is like that.

Life is like that.

Dirt cheap has becomes human life
Bump off anyone with bullet or knife
Walk free after some jailed years
And meager Rs.50K fine pay without fears.

Cruelty to animals may land you in trouble
Think before killing them lest you fumble
Languish in jail at least for 5 years
With fine of Rs. 1 crore for one, who dares.

Poor murdered souls wandering in cosmos
wondering the way of life and its paradox
seeking divine intervention to end this chaos
imploring GOD ALMIGHTY
reincarnate not,  in human forms.

 In the upper echelon
 wounded souls, raise a storm
 animals on earth
 have better chance to survive
 against human strife
why not be animals
 in their next life?

All rights reserved/Children of Lost Gods/Tribhawan Kaul


  1. Jai Krishna 8:22pm Sep 30
    Brilliant sir ! what a satire ! Reminded me Alexander Pope .
    Nice use of heroic couplets . Effective expression and the most fascinating is completely human .
    Bravo sir , literary genius you are .

    via fb/Poetry Society of India

  2. Sarala Ram Kamal 11:19pm Sep 30
    thought provoking call to humanity :(
    via fb/RS

  3. Tapeshwar Prasad 7:33pm Sep 30
    Very good ... endearing...
    Bobby Bains 5:28pm Sep 30
    Good write
    Ampat Koshy 4:29pm Sep 30
    via fb/RS

  4. Main Hoon Ali 3:27pm Oct 1
    Very touching......What a flight of imagination to describe the plight of human

    via fb/Poets Corner

  5. रंजना नौटियाल 11:17am Oct 1
    Shailesh Gupta 8:17am Oct 1
    thoughtful creation...very nice...
    वसुधा 'कनुप्रिया'
    वसुधा 'कनुप्रिया' 12:05am Oct 1
    Sad but true! 󾮗
    via fb/Purple Pen

  6. Madhu Agnani 4:49am Oct 1
    Nice expression of today's scenario ...

    via fb/AAI
