Wednesday, 21 March 2018

@On World Poetry Day@

Rebirth of Phoenix

Seeds, buried through devil’s cleansing
Scattered with violent compulsion
Swirling wind swallowing whole
Sprouting to regain the freshness.

Lotus does thrive in marshes
Blooming with pride even when plucked
Everything is lost yet not lost
Courage, ethos, culture, knowledge
Enough to salvage
Hope and future.

In states, countries, on our planet
Let humanity burn like candles
Groaning under the weight of hanging albatross
Human spirit always prevails
Glowing throw endurance personified
Dare call us refugees
Phoenix will rise from the ashes once again.
All rights reserved/Tribhawan Kaul


  1. via fb/ Pearls and Petals -An English Creative Writing Group (Y.U.S.M.)
    सूक्ष्म लता महाजन 12:50pm Mar 21
    Very nice, great thoughts.

  2. via fb/ Pearls and Petals -An English Creative Writing Group (Y.U.S.M.)
    Mridula Menon 12:50pm Mar 21
    Wonderful,most inspiring poem.As long as we humans have love and compassion in our hearts,even when the world we live may turn grotesque,we are sure to rise like the phoneix from the ashes of our torment to create a new world of love and light.

  3. via fb/ Purple Pen.
    Ramkishore Upadhyay 4:58pm Mar 21
    Yes , Phoenix will rise, as it has inherent quality.

  4. Comments via fb/TL
    Fatima Afshan
    March 21 at 4:58pm
    Baleshwar Purohit
    March 21 at 4:28pm
    Breathtaking and heart touching write.
    Bindi Sharma
    March 21 at 10:25pm
    Tapeshwar Prasad
    March 21 at 10:31pm
    Tapeshwar Prasad
    March 21 at 10:59pm
    To will a wing...and the spirit never dies... Phoenix! Naman dear Sir


  5. Pintu Mahakul
    March 25 at 9:56pm
    This poem has deep insight and this is thought provoking as well as this brings emotion.
    -----------------------via fb/TL
