Monday, 31 July 2017

About Tribhawan Kaul :-Part -1 (By Abdul Wahab)

Tribahwan Kaul

Wahab Abdul(12/7/2012 7:12:00 AM)
Its my sheer pleasure to write on a man who is a giant dramatist a poet par excellence and gentle like elephant, a friend like shadow, his mind is as high and wide as the vast sky, he is deep in his thinking like the pacific ocean, he never swayed way with the biased and negative notions of life, humanity in diversity is his philosophy of life drives his activities, he has an accuracy to say on everything, on every topic as he has seen in his long life the flood and drought, storms, high and low tides. his experience glitters on the rims of his writings, a fountain of joy, on which we can quench our thirst for the days to come, a river always flows with warm and affectionate water for ever.

He was born in a Kashmiri Pandit/hindu family in Srinagar, capital of Jammu & Kashmir in India on 1stJanuary,1946. The word ‘Pandit’ denotes a man/woman of great wisdom and knowledge. A very learned person. It is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Pandita’ meaning scholar/an intellectual. The title ‘Pandit’ stuck with kashmiri hindus during the Mughal King Akbar’s(1552-1605) rule for their mastery in every field of governance, literature and religious philosophies. He spent the early phase of his childhood in Srinagar till the age of seven and then visiting his native place often to sustain his love towards his birthplace. He befriended Jhelum, the river, for learning to flow constantly without stagnating, He prayed in the lap of temples and visited mosques believing in two different faiths enriching brotherhood, peace and love. He remained in the company of flora and fauna which always surprised him witnessing the wonderful creation of that one entity, whom we call Ishwar, Allaha, or the God.

Since the concept of pre-schooling was not there in Kashmir and children were put in school only after turning six, the beautiful surroundings, the festivities, blending of two different cultures of hindus and muslims became natural teachers to his upbringing during his impressionable years.
His father Sh. B.N.Kaul was a teacher in National High School but soon migrated to New Delhi(Capital of India) for better prospects. During his formative years in Delhi, He was exposed to kavi sammelans/ mushairas(both poetic meets) held at various places and sufi singing by Qawwaals at Darghah Nizammudin Aullia. This exposure to varied thoughts of different personalities and cultural ethos remained ingrained in his conscience. He started writing few poetic verses and then mixing them with simple one-act plays, also written by himself, on which he used to mono-act at various forums in front of august gathering that included Late Aruna Asaf Ali, the then Mayor of Delhi, Kavi Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Ellsworth F Bunker, the then Ambassador of America in India (1956-57) .

Later in 1959 at the insistence of a publisher and with the able guidance of his father he compiled all his one-act plays into a manuscript form, which were published in a book titled ‘ Nanhe Muno Ke Rupak’. He was thirteen years old that time. He recollect distinctly that he was made editor of the school magazine after his book was published.
College life was for exploring new frontiers, to enjoy new found freedom, indulging in youthful dreams and fulfilling them as far as practicable. His creative acumen gave him a chance to become member of dramatic club and he won several prizes including a silver medal in acting at University Level. Attending various kavi sammelens and listening to poets of great repute like Bal Kavi Vairagi, Gopal Dass Niraj, Kaka Haathrasi, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Gopal Dass Vyas etc. nurtured his ambition to express his feelings in verses culminating in hindi compositions in diaries.

This was the time when he also learnt about literary art of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Keats, S T Coleridge and their poetry, and he started writing poems in English too but was always shy of showing them to others.

Once the college was over and a degree earned, the onus fell on him to search for a job to financially support his family as this was the natural way of survival in every lower middle class Indian family. More so as he was the eldest of the siblings in the family.

He joined the Indian Air Force in the logistic cadre(1967-2005) , and the entire period of service till retirement was a sort of hibernation of his talent barring few occasions every year when he could showcase his talent and win accolades and prizes. Occasionally his poems got published in magazines/ in house journals too. He also came to terms with selection and rejection as he understood that these two words were part and parcel of a writer’s/poet’s life.

He has always maintained that writing makes one a complete human being, as it brings out the true person behind the physical facade, besides having a calming effect on the writer.

Writing poems and expressing his feelings in verses had always been his hobby, but became his passion after retirement from the post of CGO(EQ) /Assistant Director in December2005. Two anthologies of his hindi poems titled as ‘Sab Rang’ and ‘Mann Ki Tarang’ were published in the years 2010 and 2012 respectively. He also started writing English poetry. The real impetus to write in English language came in the year 2009 when one of his poems ‘Trauma’ was published in Dr. Aroona Reejsinghani’s book- ‘How to prevent rape & molestation.’ His English poems were highlighted under the column ‘Poems to Ponder’ on (a social networking site for the elderly and the young at heart) , and were also posted on few other poetic websites like and

Though his forte is writing poems in free verses both in Hindi and English, he always strives to excel in other forms of poetry as well.

Although his association with ‘The Heart of Global Poets- a Workshop & the Publishing Platform’ a facebook group is recent, it allows him to grasp the finer points of poetic excellence and expression on various subjects. This group has given him the confidence to stand with much more accomplished Indian and international poets.

In short his journey to the kingdom of poetry is through the feelings absorbed and observed by the happenings within him, around him and in the world. As much as possible he tries to portray facts as Plato, the Greek philosopher who said, “poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.”

His spouse Lalita, an elegant lady, and the love of his life, has always been supportive of all his poetic endeavours. He is able to follow his passion vigorously because of her unconditional love and support though the years.
As written by Abdul Wahab,
MD  ‘The Heart of Global Poets- a Workshop & the Publishing Platform’

Abdul Wahab

Thursday, 27 July 2017

चतुष्पदी (Quatrain)-38

अहं आड़े आ गया बीच हमारे
कमी प्यार की वरना कोई ना थी
शब्दों का बस रहा था अकाल
ज़ुबां को बोलने की आदत ना थी II
Ahm aade aa gaya beech hamaare
Kami pyar kee varna koyi naa thee
Shabdon kaa bus raha tha akaal
Zubhan ko bolne kee aadat naa the.
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 सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित त्रिभवन कौल
image curtsy

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Josh-e-Jazba Poetry Meet

Dateline 22 July 2017.  A monthly poetry meet, under the aegis of Josh-e-Jazba, was held at the Fedration Hall, Lokpuram , Thane (Maharashtra). Josh-e-Jazba is a subsidy of Vetran Citizens Forum based in Thane working towards the welfare of senior citizens. Poems of various genres were recited both in Hindi and Marathi by  Ms/Mr. Anil Agwekar, H P Singh, Preetam Gulrajani, Manju Gulrajani, Rukhmani Krishnan,Tribhawan Kaul, Deepa Patwardhan, Indira Das, B.J.Deshpande, Umesh Mishra, Bidu Bhushan, RadhaKrishan Molasi & Hema Pandy. The meet was ably conducted by Mr.Anil Agwekar.  Mrs. Indira Das's self written 'Joshe Jazba- Joshe Jazba' song was adopted as the anthem of the Group. Hearty congratulations to Mrs. Indira Das and the all members of the group. Few photographs/videos of the same are presented here. 

Monday, 24 July 2017


प्रदर्शनकारी शांति से प्रदर्शन कर रहे थे। अचानक बिन बुलाये मेहमान के समान कुछ नेता टाइप के लोग आये और उनको उकसाने लगे। प्रदर्शनकारियों में से कुछ ने इस पर एतराज़ भी किया पर उनकी अनदेखी कर, एक नेता  ने माइक छीन कर लोगों की  भावनाओं को भड़का दिया। फिर क्या था।  गर्म तवे को परखने के लिए कुछ छींटे ही काफी होती हैं। प्रदर्शनकारी हिंसक हो उठे प्रशासन को सख्त हिदायत थी कि शक्ति का प्रयोग बिलकुल ना करे। चुनाव नज़दीक थे और वोटों पर असर पड़ने का डर था।  हेड कांस्टेबल हज़ारी लाल ने एक छोटे बच्चे को 'अब्बा अब्बा ' चिल्लाते हुए जो देखा तो उसे बचाने वह उग्र होती भीड़ में घुस गया। बच्चे को बचा कर वह उसे सुरक्षित स्थान पर ले आया पर फिर ना जाने क्यों चंद प्रदर्शकारी मानो एक योजना के तहत हज़ारी लाल को घेरने लगे। शीघ्र ही प्रदर्शनकारियों ने हेड कांस्टेबल हज़ारी लाल को घेर कर मारना आरंभ कर दिया। एक बार हज़ारी लाल ने अपनी पिस्तौल को निकला भी पर फिर उसने वापस होल्डर में रख दिया। अधमरी हालत में उसे  राज्य  के अस्पताल ले जाया गया। पत्रकारों का जमावड़ा एक सनसनीखेज समाचार हेतु  अस्पताल पहुँच गया।
पत्रकारों में से एक ने हज़ारी लाल से पूछा I "हज़ारी जी, सबों ने देखा कि आपने अपनी जान को खतरे में डाल कर बच्चे को कुचलने से बचाया। आपके पास एक पिस्तौल थी फिर आपने  प्रदर्शनकारियों को डराने या मारने  के लिए गोली क्यों नहीं चलायी ?
"भीड़ जब बेकाबू हो जाये तो पिस्तौल के छह गोली भी कम पड़ जाती हैं। निर्दोष उकसाये प्रदर्शनकारी चंद उग्रवादियों के उकसावे में आ कर मेरी पिस्तौल की भेंट चढ़ जाते। मैं तो इस पूरे तंत्र में एक अदना प्यादा हूँ जिसको इस्तेमाल कर हवा का रुख परखा जाता है। आत्मरक्षा में मैं गोली चला सकता था। कुछ प्रदर्शनकारी मारे भी जाते। मैं बच भी जाता तो भी राजनैतिक कारणों से  प्रशासन के पास, मुझे निलंबित और बर्खास्त करने के सिवाय कोई और चारा नहीं होता। किसी को तो बलि का बकरा बनना ही होता है।' हज़ारी लाल ने अपनी कमजोर होती आवाज़ में कहा। 
"आप मर भी तो सकते थे ", एक पत्रकार ने कहा। 
एक क्षीण से मुस्कान हज़ारी लाल के होंठों तक आयी। “बच्चा बच गया, यह कोई नहीं देखता। मेरी गोली से जो मारे जाते तो तलहका मच जाता। ड्यूटी पर किया गया आत्मरक्षा का प्रयास एक जानी मानी साजिश मानी जाती। असहिष्णुता का ढोल पीटने वाले कैंडल मार्च निकालते। विरोधी, सरकार का जीना हराम कर देते। सरकार मारे गए लोगों के परिवार को लाखों का मुआवज़ा क्षतिपूर्ति के लिए देती।“ हज़ारी लाल हांपने लगा। “और। ..और।  मेरे ऊपर एक इन्क्वारी समिति बिठा दी जाती। मेरी पेंशन रोक ली जाती। मेरा परिवार सड़क पर आ जाता। जय हिन्द। ... जय भारत। ... जय हिंदुस्तान। ......  हेड कांस्टेबल हज़ारी लाल की गर्दन लटक गयी थी।
जिनको इस हिंसक प्रदर्शन से बहुत कुछ उम्मीदें थी उन पर पानी पड़ गया था। होने वाले चुनाव में आशातीत फसल नहीं कटने की सम्भावना क्षीण हो गयी थी। प्यादे ने हवा का रुख ही मोड़ दिया था।
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित/त्रिभवन कौल
Image curtsy

Sunday, 23 July 2017

An article in Tanima Magazine July 2017

An article on your friend published in Tanima Magazine from Udaipur(Rajasthan)
उदयपुर से तनिमा मासिक पत्रिका जुलाई २०१७ में आपके मित्र पर प्रकाशित साहित्यकार -कवि श्री Suresh Pal Verma Jasala जी का एक लेख। शुक्रिया Shakuntala Sarupariyaजी । हार्दिक आभार आपका। _/\_ सूचना देने के लिए हार्दिक धन्यवाद आपका Shakuntala Tanwar जी _/\_

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

तीन दोहे (Teen Dohe)

कश्मीरीयत ढोंग है, जिसे इसका भान
तजी लोकाचार गया, रहा वह इन्सान। I

Kashmeeriat dong hai, jise na iska bhan
Taji lokachaar gaya, raha na wh insaan.

'' '' '' कहत पाकी मरे, कशीर न मिलिए कोय 
प्रारब्ध ऐसा बने , 'पोकय ' हाथन धोय। 

K K K kahat Paaki mare, Kasheer na miliye koy
Prarbd aisa na bne, POKai haathn dhoy .

बहिष्कार कर चीन का , पाक देय उकसाय
चाह ना युद्ध की करौ , जे थोपे लड़ जाय।

Bahishkaar kar cheen kaa , PAK dey uksaay
Chah naa yuddh kee karau, jot hope ld jay.
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित /त्रिभवन कौल

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

वर्ण पिरामिड (53-54)

'वर्ण पिरामिड' शीर्षक = छाया / छाँव / परछाई

सुखद प्रीति 
नींव का पत्थर 
सुख की अनुभूति। 
चंदा मामा 
यशोदा माई 
कृष्ण भटकायी 
थाल में परछाई। 
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित /त्रिभवन कौल