Friday, 21 October 2016

Ways of Love and Peace ( Translated into French )

Dear friends
Some of my poems have been translated into French by none other than  Honourable Athanase Vantchev de Thracy, World President of Poetas del Mundo , undoubtedly one of the greatest poets of contemporary French.
Shall  post  these poems on this page now and then

Ways of Love and Peace

 Descending darkness breathing down the living

Shadows of silence becoming monstrous

None dares to challenge rogue elements

Breeze of love seeks passage through everyone’s heart

Wading through the waves of emotions and actions

An aura of tranquillity and serenity lift up spirits

Bringing much needed solace and comfort

Trying  to cement the path glimmering with sunrays

Leading to ultimate calmness and happiness

Wonderful are the ways of love and peace
All rights reserved/Tribhawan Kaul

 Les chemins de l'amour et de la paix
En descendant, les ténèbres pèsent de leur souffle sur les ombres
Vivantes du silence qui deviennent peu à peu monstrueuses.
Personne n’ose affronter les éléments scélérats,
La brise de l’amour cherche à se frayer un passage dans le cœur de chacun
Avançant à grande peine au milieu des vagues d’émotions et d’actions,
Une aura de tranquillité et de sérénité élèvent les esprits
Apportant un grand désir de consolation et de réconfort,
Essayant de cimenter la route qui miroite sous les rayons du soleil 
Et mène vers le calme et la béatitude ultime –
Merveilleuses sont les voies de l’amour et de la paix.

            Translated into French by Athanase Vantchev de Thracy

Vantchev Athanase de Thracy is undoubtedly one of the greatest poets of contemporary French. Born on January 3, 1940, in Haskovo, Bulgaria, the extraordinary polyglot culture studied for seventeen years in some of the most popular universities in Europe, where he gained deep knowledge of world literature and poetry.

Athanase Vantchev de Thracy is the author of 32 collections of poetry (written in classic range and free), where he uses the whole spectrum of prosody: epic, chamber, sonnet, bukoliket, idyll, pastoral, ballads, elegies, rondon, satire, agement, epigramin, etc. epitaph. He has also published a number of monographs and doctoral thesis, The symbolism of light in the poetry of Paul Verlaine's. In Bulgarian, he wrote a study of epicurean Petroni writer, surnamed elegantiaru Petronius Arbiter, the favorite of Emperor Nero, author of the classic novel Satirikoni, and a study in Russian titled Poetics and metaphysics in the work of Dostoyevsky.

1 comment:

  1. Sarindha Sethi
    Heartiest Congratulations. (How about German ?)
    October 22 at 10:53am
    Tribhawan Kaul
    It will be a great pleasure if my poems are translated into German too. My poems were picked up from one of the international poetic sites by Honourable Athasase who liked these poems :)
    October 22 at 11:17am
    Olayemi Ayo
    Congratulations poet , it is good news that some of your works have been translated to French.
    October 22 at 11:15am
    Syamala Vemuri
    Hearty congratulations. What else can be more satisfying to a writer and a poet. I have been to Paris last week. Learned a couple of words....Merci, Bonjieur.
    •October 22 at 12:30pm
    Sujit Mukherjee
    Congratulations, I am meeting him in Santiago, chile next week , in connection with International Poetry Festival , I will convey your regards to you .
    October 22 at 2:27pm
    Tribhawan Kaul
    Wow. Great news. Please do convey my warm regards to him. Also please check your inbox too. Thanks. :)
    October 22 at 7:28pm
    Sujit Mukherjee
    I will convey your regards to him ..
    October 22 at 2:28pm
    Sandra Martyres
    Félicitations Tribhawanji.... that is definitely wonderful news!!
    October 22 at 2:35pm
    V A Sambandam
    Hearty congrats my dear international poet TK.
    October 22 at 2:37pm
    Abdulla Al-hemaidy
    Congratulations dear big poet Mr. Kaul. I may translate one or two or few of your poems into Arabic. May I have your permission. Have a wonderful day sir.
    October 22 at 4:36pm
    Tribhawan Kaul
    Why not friend. It will be my pleasure. Thanks. :)
    October 22 at 7:36pm
    Madan Gandhi
    Hearty Congratulations, dear divine.
    October 22 at 5:48pm
    Tribhawan Kaul
    :) _/\_ :) Your blessings needed, Sir. :)
    October 22 at 7:37pm
    ------------------------------------------------via fb/TL
