Friday, 30 October 2015

REFRESHING WRITES:- a collection of poems and short-stories

Please read what Dr. Bina Biswas , a Professor of English Communications and Language, a
translator, critic, poet, fiction writer, editor & a Tagore expert, has to say about my book REFRESHING WRITES :-  a collection of poems and short-stories.

“Anton Chekov once famously said, “Only one who loves can remember so well.” Truly, no other human emotion or effort has generated as much thought, reflection, misery, or art, as the feeling of love. Nonetheless, love remains an indefinable entity, its vagueness being particularly evident in the context of volatile human relationships and emotions.
Refreshing Writes by Tribhawan Kaul is an exercise in understanding the diverse shades and nuances of life, love and the world. Divided into two parts, the book explores a poet’s understanding of the concept of love in its often baffling, and remarkable shades, and the second part has some very interesting tales, but Kaul’s attempt is to write what he sees around him as it is.
The re-discovery of love and uncovering of life through poetry and stories in this book is meant for all those who seek to gain a certain grasp over the power of love and the hold it has on human life. Love has always been slightly fragile, rare and precious in existence, and more so in this day and age, whence the resilience and tolerance of human beings to bear adversities in life has worn thin. In such a situation, the poet does not give up hope on finding love for the world, but reaffirms his belief in its existence. It is hoped that the book, through the poet’s verses and stories, confirms faith love and life”
Dr Bina Biswas
Author, Poet, Translator, Editor
The book containing 226 pages & priced at Rs.195/= is published by Authorspress India and  is available online at at the following link. 
I am sure this work will not only entertain you but also bring you nearer to the truth. Waiting for the feedback too.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Rebirth of Phoenix

Rebirth of Phoenix

Seeds, buried through devils cleansing
Scattered with violent compulsion
Swirling wind swallowing whole
Sprouting to regain the freshness.

Lotus does thrive in marshes
Blooming with pride even when plucked
Everything is lost yet not lost
Courage, ethos, culture, knowledge
Enough to salvage
Hope and future.

In states, countries, on our planet
Let humanity burn like candles
Groaning under the weight of hanging albatross
Human spirit always prevails
Glowing throw endurance personified
Dare call us refugees
Phoenix will rise from the ashes once again.
All rights reserved/Tribhawan Kaul
picture curtsy Google images.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

चतुष्पदी (Quatrain)-14

चतुष्पदी (Quatrain)-14
तमसा नदी का तट था मरा मरा का जाप
पाप कर्म से मुक्ति मिले करी तपस्या आप
आदि कवि हुए प्रतिष्ठित दे रामायण ज्ञान
जनजन बसाये राम राम, हरे हर संताप

Tamsa nadi ka tat tha mara mara ka jaap

Paap karm se mukti mile kari tapsya aap

Aadi kavi  hue pratishtith de ramayan gyan

Janjan besaye ram ram,  hare har santaap.

सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित/त्रिभवन कौल
Picture curtsy Google images

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Refreshing Writes : a collection of poems and short-stories by Tribhawan Kaul

The book is available on at the following link :-

Here is what Dr. Ampat Koshy has to say about my book :-

Tribhawan Kaulji has spread before us an appetizing
buffet of his poems, some thoughts and explanations that
are like snacks, and a few short stories. He writes on a
wide variety of topics and reading his book in entirety is
to touch a human soul of nobility in all its purity. He is
typically and unashamedly Indian in his use of language
and his content. His sense of humour and some of his
nano poems, his sympathy for the women and the
downtrodden and his autobiographical insights about
Kashmir are all noteworthy. He also loves his fellow
poets. A lovely poem deals with the phenomenon of the
Indian wife. However, I liked his short stories much
better than his poems as they are bursting with life with
very interesting characters, showing his ability to present
and preserve many facets of the ever-changing life around
us. His patriotism is also lovable. This book is, finally,
worth reading as a memorable record of a thinking man’s
struggles to become a good writer in English while his
mother tongue is Kashmiri/ Hindi. Everyone will enjoy
the images, the sound in some of the poems and the plots
at the end of the collection.
Dr. A.V. Koshy
critic,poet, fiction writer, dramatist, social innovator, teacher &editor

वर्ण पिरामिड/15-16 (Navratra Utsav)

वर्ण पिरामिड/15-16
क्यों ना
बच्ची शिकार
अम्बे ,खडग लो
...उठो ,करो संहार
....कष्ट हरे
शक्ति संम्पन्न
.....दिव्यरूपा दुर्गा
.......तुम्हे करूँ नमन
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित/ त्रिभवन कौल

Monday, 19 October 2015

REFRESHING WRITES :- Released by Authorspress/India

REFRESHING WRITES :- Released by Authorspress/India
We met. We read. We conquered.
It was an unforgettable evening at the Press Club of India yesterday the 18th October 2015. An evening which brought together five poets under one roof, poets of different roots, from different places as far as South Africa, of different age brackets but with one passion: the poetry.
Authorspress under the able guidance of its MD Sh.Sudarshan Kecchery arranged the meet coinciding with the release of books on various themes written by poets/writers Ms. Neelam Chandra Sexena & Ms.Nikita Sexena, Ms. Abha Vatsa, Sh.Rajesh Joshi, Ms. Anushka Ramchuran, Master Anushrav Vatsa and Sh. Tribhawan Kaul. Chief guest Prof. Harish Narang from JNU and Guest of Honour Lt.Col(Rtd) Shyam Sunder Sharma MD Poets, Artists Unplugged applauded the efforts of all the poets/writers appreciating the value of their contribution in the field of literature.
Thank you Dr. Bina Biswas, Sh. Sujit Kumar Mukherjee, Sh. Hari Lakhera, Sh. Diwakar Pokhriyal ,Mrs. Lalita Kaul, dear Himanshu & Sharoo Sahni and all the poets, their friends & members of their families for their gracious presence and encouragement.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

दुपदी -8(couplet-8)

दुपदी -8(couplet-8)

बेवकूफियां जो हुई उन्ही का गम खाए जा रहा है
तेरी बेवफाईयों से दिल भला क्या पायमाल होता?

Bewkoofian jo huin unhee kaa gum khaye jaa raha hai

Teri  bewafayion se dil  bhla kya paayemaal hota ?
-------------------------------------------------------* तबाह
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित/त्रिभवन कौल

Thursday, 8 October 2015

मन की तरंग:- श्री त्रिभुवन कौल जी की पुस्तक

समोद सिंह चरौरा 
समोद wrote: "नमस्कार मित्रो .. मुझे श्री त्रिभुवन कौल जी की पुस्तक, .मन की तरंग. ,पढ़ने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ ! श्री त्रिभुवन कौल जी ने अपने जीवन की व्यस्तता के बाबजूद भी अपनी लेखनी को सक्रिय रखते हुए अपने जीवन की 42 साल की काव्य यात्रा में .श्री डॉ हरिवंश राय बच्चन जी से लेकर .आज में (क ख ग सीखने वाला ) समोद सिंह चरौरा तक अपनी साहित्यिक उपलब्धियों को पहुँचाकर हमारे जीवन को भी काव्यमय बनाने का काम किया है !आपकी सभी रचनाएँ मनोरंजन के साथ साथ हमको भिन्न भिन्न परिस्तिथियों में अनेक समस्याओं के प्रति संवेदनशील बनाती हैं ! आपकी सभी रचनाएँ दिल को छूती हैं ! आपकी विनम्र तथा सरल जीवन शैली आपकी लेखनी में उजाग्रत होती है ! मैं श्री त्रिभुवन कौल जी को अपनी शुभकामनायें देता हूँ और आशा करता हूँ की भविष्य में उनकी लेखनी हिन्दी साहित्य को समृद्ध करेगी ! ~~समोद सिंह चरौरा"
Facebook Post/08-10-2015

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

चतुष्पदी (Quatrain)-13

चतुष्पदी (Quatrain)-13
दिल अंधकारमय हो, बाहर उजाला करने से क्या लाभ ?

जब जागना ही नही, मुर्गे का बांग देने से क्या लाभ ?

समय पर जो चेतें, चूमती सफलता है उनके कदम

जागे नहीं जो उनका, किस्मत को कोसने से क्या लाभ ?

Dil andhkaarmy ho, baahar ujaala karne se kya laabh ?

Jab jaagna hee nahi, murge kaa bang dene se kya laabh ?

Samay pr jo chete, choomti safalta unke kadam

Jaage nahi jo unka, kismet ko kosne se kya laabh ?
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित/त्रिभवन कौल

Thursday, 1 October 2015

वर्ण पिरामिड/13-14

वर्ण पिरामिड/13-14
चाहो क्यों
गौरिया सी ?
बंधक बनी
"समझो उसको "
समझाओ तो नहीं

खोजूँ कहाँ
विलुप्ता जारी
....निराश्रय तुम
....है प्रदूषण भारी
सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित/त्रिभवन कौल/01-10-2015